Fetish, Sex, Porn, Oh My

After discovering the intimacies of queer sexuality in part through the online Nifty archives, Mikelle Street has incorporated reporting around the leather and BDSM community, fetish, sex, and the porn industry into his work. This collection of features primarily deals with the LGBTQ+ community and is a result of not only archival research but of communing with leatherfolks at bars, conferences, and other events.

The aim throughout this coverage is to examine these communities — sometimes critically, — and suss out their impact while presenting them as multifaceted microcosms of the larger societies they operate within.

Work with Mikelle.

If you have a book, story, panel, or other project dealing with the leather and/or BDSM community (particularly that deals with the LGBTQ+ members of the community) feel free to reach out to start a conversation about working together.

(If this button doesn’t work try the contact page.)